Location:54 E Wellesley Ave, Spokane, WA, United States
Free Call 24/7:(509) 319-2342


Erik Philips

Erik Phillips

Erik Philips - Spokane Tattoo Artist

Erik is a renowned Southwest artist hailing from El Paso, Texas, with over 15 years of experience in the tattoo industry. He has lent his artistic skills to various tattoo shops across the Southwest, as well as numerous guest spots throughout the country. Among his many accomplishments, Erik successfully ran Cosmic Ink Tattoo in White Sands, New Mexico, earning a reputation as one of the top tattoo artists in the area.

Erik's talent has taken him beyond the borders of the United States, as he has also made several guest appearances in tattoo shops in Mexico, including Guadalajara, Chihuahua, and other locations. With his extensive experience and expertise, Erik has earned a loyal following of clients who seek out his unique style and attention to detail in every tattoo he creates.

Erik's Portfolio

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